We’ve been named one of Portland’s best web designers

Lark Ismail

We are proud to announce that Jolly Good Media has been listed as one of the best web designers in Portland for 2022. Expertise uses 5 categories and more than 25 variables to determine the top web designers in Portland. The selection process considers availability, qualifications, reputation, experience, and professionalism.


5 Categories that make a good web designer


This category makes sure that the web designer never allows clients to feel ignored. It measures how consist the designer is and whether they are approcachable and responsive. We hear from clients all the time that they left their previous web designer because they could never get a hold of them or the business completely disappeared. Our clients can trust that we have been in business a long time and are in it for the long haul. We treat our clients less like projects and more like partners. We love to maintain a continued relationship with you as your business grow over time.


They want to see the the web designer has other licensing, accreditations, and awards. This builds confidence in the web designer. Jolly Good Media is a Google partner and has been awarded a Grow with Google high impact partner. We have also been awarded top creative design agency by Clutch. One of our Financial Adviser clients also had his web site featured in a top financial magazine in an article about how to make the best financial adviser website.


The web designer needs to have a great reputation! Jolly Good Media has 23 reviews that are all 5 stars on Google Business alone. This is addition to all top recommended reviews on Facebook and Yelp. There are a lot of bad web designers out there. There are a few reasons why there are so many. You can read why this happens on our blog.


Expertise selects web designers that have enough experience to be ranked as one of the top designers in Portland. Jolly Good Media has been providing small business, non profit, and government with web sites that makes people smile since 2015.


Clients deserve to be treated with the utmost professionalism. Most important is honesty and reliability.

It can be hard to figure out which will web design agencies will provide the service you are looking for. Keep these 5 categories in mind during your search for a Portland area web designer. If you’d like to schedule a chat and see if Jolly Good Media is a good fit for you, schedule a free consultation here.

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Managing Director at Jolly Good Media. We focus on continued customer relationships with ongoing website maintenance and SEO strategy. My husband, two yorkies, and I recently moved to Oregon. I love brewing Kombucha, raising chickens, and drinking wine.